Injured Senior Podcast

Rob Schenk: Assisted Living  Facilities Are Not What They’re Made Out To Be!

Episode Notes

About Rob Schenk: Rob's law firm Schenk Smith is based in Atlanta, Georgia, and is focused on representing individuals injured in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. He's also the co-host of the Nursing Home Abuse Podcast. A  bi-monthly video podcast dedicated to educating families on nursing home care. 

In this episode, Steve and Rob Schenk discuss:

1. In Episode Six, you refer to assisted living facilities as the Wild Wild West. What exactly did you mean by that?

2. What is the difference between a nursing home and an assisted living facility? 

3. Are administrators advising people that there are no skilled professionals at the assisted living facilities?

4. Would it be fair to say that for the most part people that are going into assisted living facilities, their health care concerns are not as serious, as ones that are going into nursing homes?

5. So, in assisted living facilities where you've got somebody who's maybe making a little over minimum wage, who's got a high school diploma, how are they going to be able to detect that type of wound or that type of problem since they have no training?

6. Is it that the problem is that while they're in there as they continue to age or that things happen, the adequate staff that has the qualifications to diagnose or to treat are just not there? 

7. Is it true that half the people with COVID or who have serious consequences from COVID come out of assisted living facilities and nursing homes?

8. In your opinion, why has the assisted living facility industry basically been left untouched, and unregulated? 

9. Would you agree that it is like an insult to injury when the state does come in when there are deaths and they cite the facility for a lack of safety safeguards for the residents and only fine them $150?

10.  To the best of your knowledge, are infections more prevalent in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or elsewhere?


"It's simple online research, depending on what state you're in, almost all states have some type of database where you can look up the facility and you can look up whether or not it has been cited." —  Rob Schenk


To get the rest of the story about assisted living facilities: go to to hear the rest of the episode.

To find out more about the National Injured Senior Law Center or to set up a free consultation go to or call 855-622-6530

Connect with Rob Schenk:  

Twitter: @Schenk Smith
Facebook: Rob Schenk
Instagram: @Schenk_Smith
Website: Schenk Smith Trial Attorneys
Show: The Nursing Home Abuse Podcast
LinkedIn: Rob Schenk


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Show notes by Podcastologist: Kristen Braun

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.