Injured Senior Podcast

Bill Vigilante: Everyday Safety Challenges for Seniors and the Elderly

Episode Notes

About Bill Vigilante: Dr. Vigilante is a human factors and ergonomics consultant with experience researching topics related to pedestrian and premises safety, driver performance, roadway safety, lighting, night vision, the designing of warning and instructional information, risk perception, the effects of aging on performance, as well as safety and product design. Dr. Vigilante’s extensive resume includes the publication of dozens of scientific papers in the field of human factors and ergonomics. He has also testified as an expert witness in federal and state courthouses across the country. Dr. Vigilante’s expertise is in studying human performance issues and assessing how they should be used in the investigation to determine if and how they may have played a role in the outcome of an event. One issue includes aging. 

In this episode, Steve and Bill discuss:

1. What are human factors and ergonomics?

2. Is your focus on how to make something safer for everyday people?

3. Why should the senior and elderly community care about human factors and ergonomics? Is it because safety is such a big concern for them because of aging?

4. Are products generally made with the aging population in mind?

5. In your opinion, are there product manufacturers that missed the boat and are actually a big problem for the senior and elder population? 

6. Is that a big problem with pharmaceutical companies or other businesses still today?

7. Can you give an example of a danger that could be posed as a result of making the font or the print too small?

8. Have you given your expert testimony to this type of situation in your capacity as a human factors expert? 

9. What are some of the problems from a human factors standpoint that you see that results in slip and falls, especially amongst elders and seniors?

10. What can businesses or municipalities do better to take into consideration the challenges that the aging population has, when they're walking on walkways?

11. Are you seeing compliance or a lack of compliance with these retail establishments?

12. What challenges are senior and elderly drivers facing in the evening with the different lighting? Is it safe for seniors and elders to go out in the evening? 


"If you make things difficult or uncomfortable for the user, they're not going to want to do it and this does have the safety ramifications." —  Bill Vigilante

To find out more about the National Injured Senior Law Center or to set up a free consultation go to or call 855-622-6530

Connect with Bill Vigilante:  

Website: Vigilante


LinkedIn: Email:


Show notes by Podcastologist: Kristen Braun


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.